As we gaze upon some of the most beautifully designed pools what is it that makes them so breathtaking? Is it the rare stones shipped in from a remote beach on a beautiful island in the middle of the Pacific? Could it be the exotic design and features that keeps you mesmerized for hours on end? Maybe it’s the water that dances on the surface of these great structures that we become so intrigued with? I would like to say it’s a combination of both the design and the water. The experience wouldn’t be the same without one or the other. We are all too often memorized by these structures that we fail to understand… and I mean truly understand, what lies within it. Within what? We are talking about the water itself!
Would you think that even for the slightest moment anyone would ever dare to drink their pool water or feed it to their plants or even a vegetable garden? Not a chance! It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what will happen, but most likely getting sick along with dying plants and vegetables would be my first guess.
There are more chemicals in that so-called swimming pool in the backyard than you can shake a stick at. Chlorine, salt, acid, algaecide, clarifiers, metals, stabilizer, and who knows what else! Then to top it off we jump in it like it’s the greatest water ever only to get out after a hot sunny afternoon sunburned and smelling like a chlorine tablet! Then… for the next week we watch as our family’s skin peels, and we apply layer upon layer of aloe or lotion to help in the healing process. Days and weeks go by until we have finally finished the process of shedding our skin like some sort of reptile and then… we’re ready to start again!
What if we didn’t have to deal with many of these things at all? What if we were able to use our pool to feed our surrounding vegetation safely? What if we used the pool all day on that hot sunny afternoon and didn’t end up with a sunburn or smell like a chlorine tablet getting out? I’d say that sounds pretty amazing to me!
Well… it is possible, and it does exist! Of course, seeing is believing… right?
Over the last 7 years we have developed and tested a system that presented us with truly amazing results and was able to create some of the greatest water quality I’ve ever experienced! Not only does it provide this wonderful experience for my family and I, but to almost anything else it touches.
Aqua Fuzion utilizes both pure oxygen and ozone and diffuses them into the water to provide one of the strongest natural disinfectants and oxidizers available. The diffused oxygen is capable of staying in the water for days and weeks at a time. With this extra oxygen present in the water it provides the softest water feeling you’ve ever felt. Oxygen itself is used in hospitals and medical centers all over the world for healing in many ways. When added to water it offers a whole new level of water quality to many that suffer from the normal swimming pool treatment process.
To balance the pH we utilize carbon dioxide which is the third most abundant element in the world. It is highly efficient and doesn’t leave any harmful byproducts in the water. As an added benefit it also helps keep the water alkaline by not reducing the alkalinity like the traditional acid. We utilize all of these elements because they are purely natural!
I truly feel for those that suffer some way or another from engaging in water activities that they loved and enjoyed so much for so many years, only to find that in the end they would be left with lifelong health problems like swimmers’ lung, hair loss, chlorine allergies, skin issues, asthma, and much more. I know these words don’t fall on deaf ears. Those of you who have lived this journey know exactly what I’m talking about! I’ve heard your stories and have had the opportunity to visit some of those same rancid indoor and outdoor pools that should have never been allowed swimmers!
The good news is that there are several pools around the country the now have water you can truly enjoy without these ugly side effects. The beautiful part is that you don’t have to listen to me because some are now public and semipublic that you can experience them yourselves!