How Sharp is your Axe?
By Loren Granstrom
Wet Edge goes to significant effort to be sure that all our applicators are properly trained and certified in the application of our products. One thing we have learned through this process is that there is no substitute for experience and on the job training. Fortunately for us, we have within our Wet edge family, companies and applicators who have been in the business for thirty or more years. To survive that long in this competitive environment you have to be the best at what you do. You must have a proven track record, use the best materials and most importantly, the best employees who are true craftsmen at their trade.
As a young man I learned how important experience is in performing even the simplest of task. One day when I was laboring to cut firewood my grandfather suggested that I sharpen the axe. I was reluctant to “waste” the time it would take to sharpen it but did so just to please him. I could not believe the difference after sharpening the axe, I could cut three times the wood with less effort! My grandfather had worked for the railroad and had years of experience with tools and cutting wood. His sharing a small part of that knowledge made all the difference in my job.
One of the most rewarding and productive things we at Wet Edge do is bring together new companies and companies who have been around the block many times. These are not just seminars or social gatherings but actual on the job training and networking opportunities. It is amazing how the experienced craftsmen are excited to share their knowledge and expertise while in the pool applying our products. It gives them the chance to show off their skills and helps them realize how important they are. A great plaster job depends on them, not the salespeople, not the corporate big wheels, but on the guys in the hole and how well they prepare and co-ordinate the job. These sharing experiences allows the experienced guys to shine while sharing their light and knowledge with those who may not be quite as experienced.
We greatly appreciate the willingness these craftsmen have in sharing their knowledge, and also the way the others are willing to learn and often share some of their own knowledge with the “old guys”. This industry and the consumers all gain by the continued improvement in the skills and materials used in our products. Let’s all keep our axes sharp and continue to improve by sharing with each other.

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